Soneium presale

Start with Soneium today

Swap to Soneium with up to 100% bonus

How to swap

Choose currency

Pick one of our accepted cryptocurrencies you want to use for the swap


Pick one of our accepted cryptocurrencies you want to use for the swap

Get your Soneium

Pick one of our accepted cryptocurrencies you want to use for the swap

Reliable service

What I love the most is that it really supports many coins and can easily switch in between the different blockchains. I noticed fast processing with any kind of swap or exchange and it worked flawlessly.

Bobby Lee


Sony is making the moves to bring more customers to crypto and this is the first large step due to the adoption into existing Soneium apps and services. Excited to see more in the future.

Paul Puey

CEO,Edge Wallet

What I love the most is that it really supports many coins and can easily switch in between the different blockchains. I noticed fast processing with any kind of swap or exchange and it worked flawlessly.

Konstantin Gladych

CEO,Atomic Wallet

Fast crypto swap

The average time for swap processing is about 5 minutes. You can track the progress on the exchange page.

Swaps completed in less than 30 minutes

Tokens available

Tokens available

Limitless exchange

Fast crypto swap

The average time for swap processing is about 5 minutes. You can track the progress on the exchange page.

What Moves the Crypto Exchange Industry?

After the recent drama around FTX it is important to provide liquidity and stability, Sony's crypto group had it for years and they will move it to crypto now

Building the bridge

Even in 2024 most people would - rightfully so - rather avoid holding cryptocurrencies. The offer of a known strong company like Sony will improve this

Swap at ease

Cryptocurrencies can be difficult and complicated to manage. Soneium is easy to understand and use for everybody